As a part of the Emergency Health, Nutrition and Education interventions Project, funded by YHF; and in coordination with the Office of Public Health and Population in Taiz, ..
As part of its efforts to promote #Peace-building, and within its implementation of the "Community Frameworks Make Peace" project in Jabal Habshi district, Taiz, Tamdeen ..
On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day and in partnership with the Civil Coalition for Development and Humanitarian Response and NEAR Network, Tamdeen Youth Foundation organized..
As part of its celebration of International Youth Day 2021, and its belief in the importance of youth abilities and their role in making a better present and future; Tamdeen Youth ..
With funding from the USAID, in partnership with Hadhramout Foundation for Human Development, and in collaboration with Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF); the Economic Recovery and ..
At the closing ceremony of #Summer_Centers, and on the occasion of #International_Youth_Day the Office of Youth and Sports in #Taiz honors #Tamdeen_Youth_Foundation as one of the ..
Yemen is suffering for the seventh year under war and conflict that has left behind the woes, tragedies and horrific violations of human rights , and despite the international ..
With funding from the USAID, and in partnership with Pragma and Tamdeen Youth Foundation, and as part of the International Youth Day events, tomorrow (Thursday), the ..
Believing in the importance of youth and their role in making a better present and future, #TYF is pleased to invite you to participate in the celebration of the International ..