Who We Are
Who We Are

:Tamdeen Youth Foundation
Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF) is a Yemeni NGO. Its work is focused on humanitarian response, humanitarian aid, local development, climate action, peacebuilding, youth and women empowerment, and good governance. It started as a voluntary initiative and became a legally registered organization in 2013.
Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF) has consultative status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Our Vision:
Stable and dignified societies in which everyone has their rights and contributes to recovery and sustainable development.
Our Mission:
Immediate response and creative mechanisms for growth, sustainability and positive change in peopleʻs lives.
Our Values:
- .Excellence: We put the community we serve first in decision-making, programming until the end of our interventions
- .Neutrality: We stand equal with everyone and avoid any activity that might create conflict with our humanitarian or developmental tasks
- Transparency: We follow the principle of openness and clarity about our objectives and principles governing all levels of our work .towards society
- Participatory: We benefit from the value of teamwork by sharing experiences, risks and resources to solve humanitarian problems.
- .Innovation: We promote and expand innovative solutions to contribute to immediate and sustainable change in society
- Flexibility: We adapt to different cultures and circumstances, balancing learning and leadership and inspiring others.
- Inclusivity: We are open to diverse views and work to remove obstacles that prevent the voices of others from being heard, ensuring that all our interventions are consistent with the needs of society.
- Passion: We strive for the passion we have to provide ourselves with a renewed energy, and to have the ability to innovate, change and inspire.
TYF Strategic Events:
Since 2013 till 2019 TYF’s interventions focused on sectorial humanitarian projects in Peace, WASH, FSAC, Shelter/ NFIs, CCCM, Livelihoods, Health, Nutrition, Education and Protection. In 2020 TYF has adopted the Triple Nexus Approach (Humanitarian Aid, Development Cooperation, and Peacebuilding) in its programmatic strategy aiming to support the community in adapting and recovering quickly from the impact of the war in Yemen. Beneficiaries: Youth and most vulnerable groups in all Yemen governorates (IDPs, Returnees, Refugees and Host Communities), focusing on Gender Equality approach.
TYF Strategic Directions:
- Mitigate the suffering of communities affected by conflicts, epidemics and disasters.
- Promote the role of youth and women in effective community participation.
- Promote recovery and socio-economic resilience.
TYF Added Values:
- Accessibility to stakeholders in all areas of Yemen.
- Sufficient knowledge of the sensitivity of situations, interventions and types of needs of Yemeni society.
- Standing equal with all decision-makers and stakeholders in Yemen.
TYF Intervention Approches:
1-Results-Based Management Strategic Approach (RBM)
’TYF's work is based on matching results-based management approaches in its internal systems, to facilitate appropriate decisionmaking and to adaptTTT its programs to the actual needs of such interventions, by collecting adequate and reliable information on the results of its humanitarian and development interventions and using them to support and develop planning, learning and adaptation.
2-Gender mainstreaming
Gender equality is a key value in TYF’s institutional practices and programmatic development options, achieving equal access to and use of services and equal participation of women and men in decision-making.
3-Protection mainstreaming
TYF believes that everyone it deals with, regardless of age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity, has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse and harassment, neglect and exploitation.
4-Collaborative and Participatory Approach
Through this approach, TYF recognizes that all stakeholders it deals with have the right to identify their needs and ways to access them. It therefore ensures that all its interventions are built in active partnership with all stakeholders. It also promotes participation in implementation, supervision and planning to enable them to improve their lives effectively.
TYF Interventions:
From 2013 to 2020, TYF was able to expand its emergency interventions to more than 58 districts in 11 Yemeni governorates. It also has active membership in all national and sub-national clusters in all areas of intervention. Moreover, it is a member of the Technical Working Groups (TWG) for several sectors, in particular, the Food Security and Livelihoods Sector (FSL), the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), and the Shelter Technical Working Group (TWG Shelter)
TYF and Sustainable Development Goals :
TYF contributes directly to the achievement of the following SDGs: