Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Success Story in Abyan Governorate

Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Success Story in Abyan Governorate

Yemen faces enormous water challenges, including its shortage and scarcity, disputes over its use, and raised risks of climate change.


In Abyan Governorate, however, "Enhancing Resilience through Sustainable Water Resources Management" project, implemented by Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF) in Zanjibar and Khanfar Districts, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Yemen), as part of "Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project", funded by KfW Development Bank, has achieved an inspiring success story in resolving water-resource disputes peacefully at the community level with the participation of youth and women. It has been a remarkable experience in establishing a comprehensive and participatory water resources management system and achieving sustainability for WUAs after the end of the project.


The report provides a comprehensive overview of the project, from its objectives and outcomes, to the innovative interventions that have been implemented, to recommendations and lessons that can be used in similar projects.