Introductory Workshop For Strengthening Local Authority Capacities to Respond to Community Needs in 3 Districts in Taiz
In Taiz Governorate, as part of #SIERY project, organizing an introductory workshop for a package of interventions for "Supporting Local Authorities to Respond to Community Needs through Local Resilience and Recovery Funds".
Participants in the workshop from the local authority and related bodies learned about the objectives and components of the project, which include (equipping the central car maintenance workshop of the Industrial Technical Institute in Al Hawban, water projects, rehabilitation of schools in Al Ta'iziyah, Maqbanah and Al Mawasit districts, Taiz governorate).
This project is funded by the European Union in Yemen and implemented by UNDP Yemen through Tamdeen Youth Foundation TYF.
It reflects the commitment of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to support local capacities and promote sustainable development in Yemen. It will also have a positive impact on society, the recovery of the local economy, and the improvement of the population's quality of life.