Women's Economic Empowerment Project
German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Geographical Scope
Aden & Sana
Project Period
June 2022 - February 2023
Project Summary:
The project increases employment opportunities, market access, and income for poor and marginalized women and increases women's participation in and benefiting from economic activities.
Overall Objective:
Enhance the socio-economic empowerment of poor women in Aden and Sana 'a governorates.
- Conducting a labor market survey in the targeted districts.
- Building the capacities of 100 women in entrepreneurship and microenterprises.
- Building the capacities of 75 women in professional fields according to the beneficiaries' preferences and the results of the labor market survey.
- Supporting 75 women with production equipment.
- Promoting market linkages for women benefiting from the labor market.